African Green Monkey Kidney Cells: Fluorescence Digital Image Gallery
The Olympus Microscopy Resource Center galleries include images of fluorescent specimens, as well as darkfield, phase contrast, and Hoffman modulation contrast photomicrographs. In addition, the gallery features streaming video and images from featured microscopists.
Normal African Green Monkey Kidney Fibroblast Cells (CV-1 Line)
The CV-1 cell line was initiated in March of 1964 by F. C. Jensen and his colleagues with a tissue section excised from the kidney of a normal adult male African green monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops). The popular fibroblast line was originally utilized in research focusing on the transformation of the cancer-causing Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), but now is a very useful host for acquired immunodeficiency disease (AIDS) research, as well as transfection experiments with simian virus 40 (SV40) and recombinant plasmid vectors.
CV-1 Line
CV-1 Line
CV-1 Line
CV-1 Line
CV-1 Line
CV-1 Line
CV-1 Line
CV-1 Line
CV-1 Line
CV-1 Line
CV-1 Line
CV-1 Line
Normal African Green Monkey Kidney Epithelial Cells (Vero Line)
The Vero epithelial cell line was established in 1962 by Y. Yasumura and Y. Kawakita at the Chiba University in Chiba, Japan. The tissue from which the line was derived was obtained from the kidney of a healthy adult African green monkey. Although widely used in transfections and vaccine production, Vero cells are also often utilized in the detection of verotoxins, a group of interrelated toxins produced by some strains of Escherichia coli that are a key cause of hemorrhagic colitic and hemolytic uremic syndrome in humans.
Vero Line
Vero Line
Vero Line
Vero Line
Vero Line
Vero Line
Vero Line
Vero Line
Vero Line
Vero Line
Vero Line
Vero Line
Transformed (Simian Virus 40) African Green Monkey Kidney Fibroblast Cells (COS-1 Line)
The transformed COS-1 cell line was derived from the CV-1 fibroblast line, which was initiated in March, 1964 by F. C. Jensen and colleagues from the normal kidney of an adult African green monkey. Developed by Yakov Gluzman, the COS-1 cell line differs from CV-1 due to transformation of the earlier line with an origin defective mutant of simian virus 40 (SV40) that codes for wild type T-antigen. Two other transformed lines, COS-3 and COS-7, were also established by Gluzman, but COS-1 cells are unique in the fact that they contain a single integrated copy of the complete early region of SV40 DNA. All three of the lines, however, fully support the lytic growth of SV40 (tsA209 strain) at 40 degrees Celsius and the replication of SV40 mutants with deletions in the early region.
Transformed African Green Monkey Kidney Fibroblast Cells (COS-7 Line)
The COS-7 cell line was derived by Yakov Gluzman in the early 1980s from the previously established CV-1 African green monkey kidney line by transformation of the normal cells with an origin defective mutant of simian virus 40 (SV40) that codes for the wild-type virus T-antigen. The fibroblast line grows adherently to glass and plastic in culture and is generally utilized as a transfection host for virus genomes and recombinant plasmids.