FluoViewTM and Support Equipment Brochure Downloads

Section Overview:
For detailed information about the Olympus FluoViewTM microscopes and available support equipment for the innovative microscopist, the appropriate brochures may be downloaded in this section. Extensive product photographs, charts, descriptions, sample images, technical specifications, and application notes can help you decide upon the perfect microscope, imaging system, software, and accessories to meet your specific research needs. Included in this section are brochures on research microscopes, digital camera systems, laser systems, objectives, dichromatic mirror units, software, and research microscopes.
FluoViewTM FV1000 Confocal Laser Scanning Biological Microscope
A leader in live cell confocal imaging systems, the FV1000 features simultaneous laser light stimulation and imaging by incorporating two laser scanners in a single compact design.
FluoViewTM Confocal Laser Scanning Biological Microscopes
Covering the entire Olympus FluoViewTM lineup of confocal microscopes, this brochure reviews the features currently available, including system components, specifications, objectives, scanning units, lasers, and software.
FluoViewTM FV1000MPE Multiphoton Laser Scanning Microscope
Designed for optimal observation, the FV1000MPE is a multiphoton laser scanning microscope that features minimized specimen damage and photobleaching compared to traditional confocal microscopy.
AX70 Research System Microscope
The Olympus AX70 ranks as one of the most versatile research microscopes on the market today. Also, when coupled with its automatic photomicrography system, the AX70 offers a very advanced level of microscope performance and sophisticated photomicrography capabilities.
AX70-Macro Research System Microscope
The AX70-Macro is an advanced research system microscope whose wide field of view and use of a 0.5x objective allow observation of specimens up to 53 millimeters in diameter. Capable of brightfield micro and macro observations, the instrument is suitable a range of applications, including the examination of large specimens.
AX80 Automatic Research Photomicroscope
The Olympus AX80 offers levels of precision to fulfill demanding requirements of cutting-edge research. The AX80 can facilitate complex procedures involved with fluorescence
in situ hybridization, patch clamping, and other research applications when its multi control box is linked to an external computer via an interface. -
Blue Diode Lasers for Confocal Microscopy
The 405-nanometer diode laser is modulated to permit high speed control of excitation light intensity over a selected region of the specimen. The document also reviews accompanying software and water immersion objectives corrected for spherical and chromatic aberrations in the visible light region.
BX51 System Microscope (BX2 Series)
The Olympus BX51 universal research microscope features optical performance with a variety of contrast enhancing techniques. Built around a structurally rigid and compact Y-shaped motif, the BX51 is an excellent research-level imaging platform exhibiting versatility, has a wide range of accessories, and an ergonomic design.
BX51/BX61 Motorized System Microscope (BX2 Series)
The Olympus BX51 and BX61 microscopes offer top-quality optics and a full range of motorized modules that can be combined as the user requires, providing function to the needs of advanced applications.
BX51WI/BX61WI Fixed Stage Upright Microscope (BX2 Series)
Designed to achieve an even higher standard of stability and reliability in electro-physiological applications, the Olympus BX51WI and BX61WI fixed stage microscopes are equipped with a wide range of advanced new features.
BX52 Research Microscope (BX2 Series)
The Olympus BX52 offers solid stability and rigidity enhanced by a special composite material of ceramic and aluminum, as well as superior fluorescence technology. Designed and built for leading research applications, the BX52 utilizes a newly-developed aspheric lens in the lamp housing to improve light collection.
IX71/IX81 Research Inverted System Microscopes (IX2 Series)
The Olympus IX71 and IX81 microscope systems feature a rigid, compact frame, a two-tiered multi-port design, and outstanding UIS optical performance. Other advanced applications that the IX71 facilitates include microinjection, multi dimensional imaging, and TIRFM.
IX81 Motorized Inverted System Microscope (IX2 Series)
An advanced microscope, the Olympus IX81 provides high standards of observation and measurement. All major functions can be motorized and these motorized units may be operated by remote, computer, or buttons on the body.
DP12 Microscope Digital Camera
The Olympus DP12 digital camera provides high-resolution 3.34 million pixel imaging in a compact design. The camera can be operated entirely from a control unit. It is equipped with a universal C-mount thread, a tiltable 3.5 inch LCD monitor, and more accurate focusing and framing.
DP70 Digital Camera
Capable of capturing 12.5 million pixels in only 3 seconds, the Olympus DP70 enables users to obtain accurate images with remarkable clarity, detail, and color depth. Coupled with multi-function software, the DP70 optimizes real-time acquisition conditions and subsequent image management.
Q-Color 3 Imaging System
The Q-Color 3 digital imaging system delivers high resolution images for microscopy documentation and publication. Included in the system is a 3.2 megapixel CCD sensor with a FireWire IEEE digital interface, QCapture software that is compatible with both Windows and Mac systems, and Adobe Photoshop Elements.
Q-Color 5 Imaging System
Similar to the Q-Color 3, the Olympus Q-Color 5 digital imaging system includes a CCD sensor and advanced acquisition and enhancement software. However, this state-of-the-art device is capable of even greater resolution with 5.0 active megapixels. Control of the camera is made simple through a single wire connection a computer.
MagnaFire/MagnaFire SP Biomedical Research Cameras
Compatible with Olympus MicroSuite software, both the MagnaFire and MagnaFire SP are megapixel imaging camera systems designed for scientific microscope imaging applications. Some features are full resolution, real time focusing and framing via a FireWire interface.
MicroFire Digital Camera
The Olympus MicroFire, a 2 megapixel FireWire digital color camera, acquires images with superb color and detail. This camera offers high sensitivity, resolution, and dynamic range, as well as several solutions for fluorescence imaging when image signals are weak, smoothly facilitating one the most difficult imaging processes.
MicroSuite Basic
The MicroSuite Basic software package provides microscopists with the tools to overcome common imaging problems. Through the use of an intuitive user-friendly interface, users can easily carry out image acquisition, multiple image alignment, image processing, database management, report generation, and video creation.
MicroSuite B3 Biological Suite
Based on the analySIS software by Soft Imaging System, MicroSuite Biological Suite B3 is the natural choice for biological research. The B3 includes specialized image processing modules, including one for multiple fluorescence information processing, one for extended focal imaging, and one for multiple image alignment.
MicroSuite ScopeView Microscope Control Software
An extension to MicroSuite B3 and M3, ScopeView enables computer control of all motorized components of the Olympus BX61, IX81, and AX70 microscopes. Features activities such as motorized stage control and storage of recallable microscope configurations.
TIRFM Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscope System
A technique especially useful in studies of cellular membrane function and single molecule events, total internal reflection microscopy is readily facilitated by the innovative Olympus TIRFM microscope system.
UIS Fluorescence Mirror Units
Designed to present the technical specifications of UIS fluorescence mirror units, this brochure offers a detailed unit selection chart based on fluorochrome characteristics as well as mirror unit descriptions, a graphic representation of the characteristics of mirror unit wavelength, and light source spectral characteristics.
UIS Objectives For Life Science
The UIS objectives for life science include a wide range of top-class objectives that provide unrivalled clarity and which are in full compliance with international standards. This brochure includes information on each series of available objectives, the applications and techniques they are best suited for, and an extensive objective performance chart.