Translational Microscopy Help
Please refer to the following instructions when attempting to operate the Translational Microscopy interactive Java Tutorial:
The most important fact to remember is to allow the Java applet sufficient time to download. This can range from 5-10 seconds on a fast T1 connection to a minute or two on a slow or noisy 14.4 Kb modem connection. The tutorial will not operate properly until both the Java applet and the corresponding default sample image are completely downloaded.
If you have trouble downloading the entire applet, try the following in descending order:
Hold down your "Shift" key and click on the reload button on the menu bar at the top of your browser.
If this doesn't help, go to your browser preferences and flush both the disk and memory caches.
Still having problems? You may have to kill your browser and reload it.
Sometimes the browser files on your hard drive can become corrupted, leading to erratic operation of the software. The best cure for this is to reinstall the browser software either directly over the corrupted files or after completely uninstalling the software. If you choose to do this, we advise first visiting the Website of your browser manufacturer and upgrading to the latest version.
As a last resort, try rebooting your computer. We have tested the modules extensively and they will load properly under normal conditions.
After the applet and image are downloaded, all of the controls will be active. If you decide to choose another sample, the download will be faster because the applet is already loaded and only the new image must be loaded. This will take about 3-5 seconds on a T1 connection and about 15-20 seconds on a modem connection.
After a sample has been loaded it will always initially appear out of focus, as is the case in a real microscopy experiment. Adjust the Focus slider until the sample is brought into focus. This slider is very sensitive to small movements, so be patient with your mouse cursor. If the focus fails to respond, try clicking on the reverse side of the slider---you may be at the end of the focus range. The focus slider, like the other sliders in this tutorial, will respond poorly on slower computers.
The Zoom slider increases or decreases the magnification of the sample. The portion of the sample that appears in the microscope port is represented by a white circle in the translational control box. When the Zoom control is moved, the white circle either increases or decreases in size and the corresponding changes appear in the microscope port. At maximum Zoom, the sample can only be translated left and right (not to the top and bottom).
The Intensity slider increases or decreases the sample brightness. The correct brightness of a sample is a matter of taste and is left to the user's discression.
The translational control box allows the user to scan the image and view the various features present in the sample. The sample area currently being viewed is represented by a white circle within the translational control box. To move the sample, place the mouse cursor over the circle, hold down the left mouse button, and drag the white circle around the box. The portion of the sample covered by the white circle will always appear in the microscope port.
The list of samples beneath the microscope port (viewfield) are the current images that are available for examination. After the interactive Java Virtual Microscope tutorial has been downloaded with the default sample image, you will still have to wait a few additional seconds for another sample image to download if you click on a new sample from the menu.