Phase Contrast Microscopy Digital Image Gallery
The Olympus Microscopy Resource Center gallery of phase contrast photomicrography contains a large collection of images taken under a wide variety of conditions using specimens ranging from fossilized dinosaur bones to soft tissues from human and plant pathology. Use the links below to navigate to the individual entries in this colorful gallery.
- Agatized Bone
- Allosaurus
- Amphibian Blood Cells
- Amphioxus
- Apple Scab
- Bird Skin
- Black Grape Rot
- Black Knot
- Black Lung Disease
- Bronchial Pneumonia
- Carcinoma
- Butterfly Wing Scales
- Cabbage Club Root
- Camarasaurus
- Cedar Apple Rust
- Hamster Ovary Cells
- Atherosclerosis
- Cooked Meat
- Desmids
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Down Feathers
- Mildew of Grape
- Earthworm Clitellum
- Worm Testes/Ovaries
- Ergot
- Fish Cycloid Scale
- Fish Gills
- Fish Skin
- Frog Skin
- Hadrosaurus
- House Fly Eye
- House Fly Mouthparts
- House Fly Wings
- Human Bone Sarcoma
- Adenocarcinoma
- Human Scar Tissue
- Human Tattoos
- Human Tongue
- Hydatid Disease
- Hydra Nematocysts
- Keloid Scars
- Liver Cirrhosis
- Lymph Carcinoma
- Mammalian Cartilage
- Metridium
- Mosasaurus Vertebrae
- Multipolar Neurons
- Obelia Hydroid
- Obelia Medusa
- Paramecium
- Peach Brown Rot
- Pleurodira
- Pollen
- Potato Blight
- Emphysema
- Radiolarians
- Raw Meat
- Rotifers
- Sebaceous Cysts
- Snake Skin
- Sponge Skeleton
- Squamous Papilloma
- Starfish Arms
- Starfish Testes
- Stomach Cancer
- Tapeworm
- Tilia
- Tobacco Blue Mold
- Tobacco Mosaic Virus
- Tracheid Cells
- Uterine Adenomyosis
- Wheat Rust Pustules
- Spermogonia
- Pine Blister Rust
- Rust of Crucifers