Tutorials and Education Resources
Web Articles
- 3-D Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy - Provided by Dr. Lance Ladic from the Department of Physiology and the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, this Web site introduces the concept of laser confocal microscopy and offers educational tips and tutorials on techniques and instrumentation.
- 3-D Microscopy of Living Cells - Modern methods of 3D light microscopy promise a revolutionary improvement in our ability to view living cells. To help convert this promise to reality for a wider selection of biological scientists, the organizers have designed an intensive eleven-day residential course concentrating on all aspects of the 3D Microscopy of Living Cells. Featuring a world-class faculty, the course is sponsored by the Brain Research Centre at the University of British Columbia.
- Cell Biology: Advanced Microscopy for the Teaching Laboratory - Cell biology laboratory exercises were developed using fluorescence microscopes equipped with contrast enhancing optics, video projection and recording systems, and computerized image collection equipment. After learning the microscopy methods through collaborative exercises, students conduct exploratory and original experiments.
- Creating your first slide - An illustrated "How-To" on microscope slide preparation by the scientists at Microscopy-UK.
- Electron Microscopy - From the Central Facility for Electron Microscopy at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, this tutorial provides basic information on transmission and scanning electron microscopy.
- The Fractal Microscope - Designed by the Education Group at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, this site explores the Mandelbrot set and other Fractal patterns, allowing students to enjoy the art of mathematics while they master the science of mathematics.
- Growing Crystals That Will Make Your Crystallographer Happy - A graduate-level tutorial on crystal-growing techniques designed to produce samples for X-ray crystallography.
- Introduction to Electron Microscopy - This abbreviated tutorial, sponsored by Dartmouth University, offers a quick introduction to several concepts in scanning electron microscopy.
- Light Microscopy - A basic tutorial on optical microscopy created and maintained by Dr. D. R. Caprette of Rice University. Topics include care of the microscope, alignment, oil immersion, darkfield, differential interference contrast, phase contrast, and measurements.
- Light and Optics: Online Meteorology Guide - Sponsored by the Weather World 2010 project at the University of Illinois, this site contains information about "atmospheric optics" and related phenomena.
- Microscope Parts - Developed by Ron Neumeyer, this site contains a basic glossary and description of the various parts found in a typical laboratory optical microscope. Also included are links to other websites offering optical microscopy tutorials.
- Microstructures of Materials - Maintained by Dr. J. K. Chen of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, this informative Web site provides information on the range of sizes of objects studied in microscopy. Topics include the light microscope, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy.
- Newport - Newport's Optics and Mechanics site is filled with information, technical literature, and tutorials on many products and subject areas.
- Oriel Instruments Tutorials - Presented in portable document format (PDF), these tutorials provide a wealth of information about a variety of topics in optics, filters, spectroscopy, and microscopy. This site is highly recommended.
- Proper use of the Compound Microscope - Written and maintained by the Botany Department at the University of Hawaii, this site presents a basic introduction to proper microscope setup and use. Topics include general microscope anatomy, Köhler illumination, and specimen staining.
- Scanning Electron Microscopy (Iowa State University) - Written and maintained by the Material Science and Engineering Department at ISU, this introduction to scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is split into three levels: elementary school, high school, and college. Visitors choose their preferred level before entering the tutorial. This is one of the most complete and well-executed SEM tutorials that we have yet seen on the Web.
- Southern Microscope's Home Page - A very thorough examination of microscopes and microscopy. The site contains detailed information about numerous aspects of optical microscopy as well as information on microscope manufacturers and tips on purchasing the right scope.
- Technical Instrument San Francisco - Compiled by TISF, a Northern California Nikon microscope distributor, this website contains a detailed glossary of terms utilized in optical microscopy and several tutorials on microscopy, contrast enhancement, and digital imaging.
- Virtual Pinning: Anatomy & Cell Biology in silico (New Mexico State University) - Tutorials at this Web site, sponsored by the Molecular Biology Program, allow students to interactively learn cell biology and anatomy. There is an image on each page and a list of terms. Clicking on a term generates a pin. If the student correctly pins the term to the location of the structure in the image the pin will stick. Not pure microscopy but a very nice job.