Brightfield Illumination MIC-D Digital Image Gallery
Featuring a wide spectrum of stained and unstained specimens, the MIC-D brightfield image gallery contains digital images that were captured using the microscope at a variety of zoom optical system magnifications. The images were corrected and adjusted with respect to contrast, brightness, sharpness, hue, color balance, and saturation using digital image processing tools available in the MIC-D software processing window.
- Acorn
- American Beachgrass
- Amphibian
- Aphid
- Aurelia Ephyra
- Basswood
- Bracken Fern
- Butterfly Wing
- Cabbage Flower
- Canine Biting Louse
- Corn Root Tissue
- Corpus Luteum
- Ctenoid Fish
- Developing Long Bone
- Dicot Leaf Epidermis
- Dictydium cancellatum
- Dogfish Shark
- Druse Crystals
- Earthworm
- Epiglottis Elastic
- Adipose Tissue
- Fern Prothallium
- Fern Sporophyte
- Fetal Elastic
- Fetal Skull
- Filamentous Algae
- Flea
- Frog Striated Muscle
- Goniatitic Cephalopod
- Codium
- Hairy Mammal
- Horsetail
- Auerbach's Plexus
- Human Bladder
- Human Blood
- Human Compact Bone
- Human Fetus
- Human Fingernail
- Human Heart Tissue
- Lower Duodenum
- Human Lung Tissue
- Male Chromosomes
- Human Spleen
- Hydrodictyon Algae
- Legume Nodules
- Lily Flower Bud
- Human Tongue
- Mammalian Elastic
- Mammalian Femur
- Mammalian Ganglion
- Taste Buds
- Mixed Green Algae
- Moss Bulbils
- Moss Capsule
- Mouse Tail
- Mucous Colon
- Nitelia Algae
- Obelia Hydroid
- Palm and Sole Skin
- Pennaria Hydrozoa
- Diatoms
- Peyer's Patches
- Pig Tooth Enamel
- Pine Mature Embryo
- Pine Needle Section
- Pine Stem Section
- Polysiphonia
- Potato Blight
- Primate Bladder
- Primate Colon
- Primate Hyaline
- Primate Ileum
- Rhizopus Conjugation
- Scabies Infestation
- Shepherd's Purse
- Snake Cross-Section
- Spiderwort Leaf
- Staminate Pine Cone
- Starfish Larva
- Sycamore Stem
- Sycamore Stem
- Tongue Muscle
- Trichinella Larvae
- Varroa Mite
- Volvox
- Zea (Corn) Kernel
- Zygnema