Specimen Preparation Using Synthetic Fluorophores and Immunofluorescence

Rat Tongue Muscle Tissue

Rat Tongue Muscle Tissue

Presented above is a confocal image revealing striated actin fiber bundles structure in a thick (16 micrometer) section of rat tongue. The section was stained as detailed below using wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to Alexa Fluor 568 and phalloidin conjugated to Oregon Green 488. Nuclei were counterstained with Hoechst 33342. The specimen was imaged with a 60x oil immersion objective (without zoom) using a 405-nanometer violet diode laser (Hoechst), a 488-nanometer argon-ion laser (Oregon Green 488), and a 543-nanometer helium-neon laser. Images were collected in grayscale and subsequently pseudocolored with hues approximating the fluorescence emission spectra of the respective probes.

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