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Applications in Confocal MicroscopyOptical Highlighter Fluorescent Protein Literature SourcesThe ability to selectively initiate or alter fluorescence emission profiles in photoconversion optical highlighter proteins renders these probes as excellent tools for exploring protein behavior in living cells. As the fluorescence intensity (or color spectrum) of highlighters occurs only after photon-mediated conversion, newly synthesized non-photoactivated protein pools remain unobserved and do not complicate experimental results. This section lists sources for review articles and original research reports on optical highlighter fluorescent proteins. Ando, R., Hama, H., Yamamoto-Hino, M., Mizuno, H., and Miyawaki, A., An optical marker based on the UV-induced green-to-red-photoconversion of a fluorescent protein., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 99: 12651-12656 (2002). 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A., Engineering of a monomeric green-to-red photoactivatable fluorescent protein induced by blue light., Nature Biotechnology 24: 461-465 (2006). | PubMed | Habuchi, S., Ando, R., Dedecker, P., Verheijen, W., Mizuno, H., Miyawaki, A., and Hofkens, J., Reversible single-molecule photoswitching in the GFP-like fluorescent protein Dronpa., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 102: 9511-9516 (2005). Habuchi, S., Cotlet, M., Gensch, T., Bednarz, T., Haber-Pohlmeier, S., Rozenski, J., Dirix, G., Michiels, J., Vanderleyden, J., Herberle, J., De Schryver, F. C., and Hofkens, J., Evidence for the isomerization and decarboxylation in the photoconversion of the red fluorescent protein DsRed., Journal of the American Chemical Society 127: 8977-8984 (2005). Hell, S. W., Strategy for far-field optical imaging and writing without diffraction limit., Physics Letters A 326: 140-145 (2004). | PLA | Henderson, J. N. and Remington, S. 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