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Applications in Confocal MicroscopyBiosensor Fluorescent Protein Literature SourcesBy directly coupling the advanced microscopic technique of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) to the ubiquitous green fluorescent protein and its multispectral variants fused with selected biopolymers, ingenious researchers have created several new classes of biosensors capable of elucidating mechanisms of signaling, enzymatic cleavage, and other critical functions in living cells. This section features a bibliography of literature sources for review articles and original research reports on the construction, applications, and continued development of biosensor fluorescent proteins. Abad, M. F. C., DiBenedetto, G., Magalhães, P. J., Filippin, L., and Pozzan, T., Mitochondrial pH monitored by a new engineered green fluorescent protein mutant., Journal of Biological Chemistry 279: 11521-11529 (2004). | PubMed | Abedi, M. 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